HHCI & Partners Complete 2nd Sherman Indian High School Beautification Project
Riverside, CA – April 12, 2017 – On Saturday, April 1st, in keeping with HHCI’s social responsibility commitment, the HHCI team and partners painted the Winona nearby areas on the campus of Sherman Indian High School. The event was a huge success! We thank all the HHCI volunteers and our many partners who helped us accomplish the mission:
- Southern California Edison – Donated volunteer labor team to help paint
- AdPro – Donated volunteer labor team to help paint and helped publicize the event
- Clear Cloud Solutions – Donated volunteer labor team of 5 to help paint
- Cal Pacific Constructors – Donated volunteer labor team to help paint
- Bank of America – Donated volunteer labor team to help paint
- Dunn Edwards – A key material donation for this project, Dunn Edwards generously donated over 60 gallons of paint for the event
- Home Depot – Donated drop cloths and rollers
- Chick-fil-A – Donated delicious lunch for the event
- Cal Baptist University – Donated the other half of the delicious lunch
- – Donated professional photography services
- Wal-Mart – Donated 10 cases of drinking water
This is the second dorm that we have painted as part of our Campus Beautification Program at Sherman Indian High School. Our team looks forward to additional campus beautification projects and the opportunity to engage with our Native American youth and contribute to their learning and skill development!
Quotes from Volunteers

American Indian Chamber of Commerce of CA
Southern California Edison
Bank of America